“Let us live in such a way that people will have ample reason to speak well of us.” – Don Bosco
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The Sacred Heart Association - Everlasting Gift Cards

Anyone, living or deceased, may be enrolled in the Sacred Heart Association.

It is an ideal gift for a family in mourning or a wedding, anniversary, birthday or any other special occasion such as Mother’s day, Father’s Day, Christmas, Easter, etc . . .

A daily Mass will forever be celebrated in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Rome. The membership certificate is issued in an 8" by 6" leatherette album. We offer a choice of colours (white, gold, navy blue and burgundy) and holy images.

The suggested offering is $15.00 for each person enrolled or $25.00 for a family or group enrolment (2 or more people). A portion of the offering is sent to Rome for the maintenance of the Sacred Heart Basilica, built by Saint John Bosco at the explicit request of Pope Leo XIII. It was consecrated in May 1887.

The remainder of the offering is used to fund the promotion and education of priestly and religious vocations. These offerings will help young men to follow their calling to the priestly or religious life as Salesians of Saint John Bosco, serving the people of God, especially the young.

No income tax receipts are issued for Everlasting Gifts.


Everlasting gift album english

1715 Devine Mercy-Mesericorder1715 Divine Mercy
1699 Gaurdian Angel 1699 Gaurdian Angel
1698 Last Supper1698 Last Supper

1698 portrait of Jesus1690 Portrait of Jesus
1681 Saint Teresa 1681 Saint Teresa
1632 Saint Joseph1632 Saint Joseph
1630 Holly Family1630 Holy Family
1609 Mary with child Jesus1609 Mary with child Jesus
1607 Portrait of Mary1607 Portrait of Mary
1603 Immaculate Conception1603 Immaculate Conception
1602 Sacred Heart of Mary1602 Sacred Heart of Mary
1601 Sacred Heart of Jesus1601 Sacred Heart of Jesus
007 Praying Child007 Praying Child
0613 Saint Anthony0613 Saint Anthony
1630 Holy Family9010 Holy Family
9009 Our Lady of the Road9009 Our Lady of the Road
9008 Saint Anne9008 Saint Anne
9002 Sacred Heart of Mary9002 Sacred Heart of Mary
9001 Sacred Heart of Jesus 9001 Sacred Heart of Jesus
3679 Mary Help of Christians3679 Mary Help of Christians
3678 Saint Jude3678 Saint Jude
3674 Our Lady of Lourdes3674 Our Lady of Lourdes
3673 Saint Patrick3673 Saint Patrick
3671 Our Lady of Fatima3671 Our Lady of Fatima
Saint John BoscoSaint John Bosco
Saint Dominic SavioSaint Dominic Savio