“Let us live in such a way that people will have ample reason to speak well of us.” – Don Bosco
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Gift of Praying

Help our Salesian missionaries by praying every day for their intentions.

Prayer for missionaries

Mary, Mother of the Church,
we give you thanks for your Yes to God
and for your journey of faith
as first disciple and missionary of Jesus.
We want to live in communion
with all the disciples of your Son Jesus,
together with the pilgrim Church
in order to bring the Gospel to all.
Mary, inspire us with the courage to talk
about the world and young people to Jesus
and about Jesus to the world and to young people!
Help us, O Mother to follow Don Bosco,
a tireless storyteller,
in order to share with humility, patience and courage
the experience of our personal encounter with Jesus
in our communities,
among the young and with every one we meet.

Prayer for youths

God, My Father, I want to be the best person I can be.
I want to be a saint.
I offer myself totally to you and I ask for the help of the Holy Spirit.
I pledge to devote myself to the following plan of holiness and keep it faithfully.

I will be cheerful
I will do my duties well.
I will stay close to Jesus in the Eucharist
I will honour and love Mary as my Mother and Helper
I choose to be kind
I want to serve rather than be served

Father, may your grace, the intercession of Mary Help of Christians and St. John Bosco, together with the assistance of my fellow Christians keep me faithful to this plan day by day. Amen.

Prayer for vocations

Most holy Virgin, who without hesitation
offered yourself to the Almighty
for the carrying out of his plan of salvation,
pour trust into the hearts of young people
so that there may always be zealous pastors
who are able to guide the Christian people on the way of life,
and consecrated souls who may know how to witness,
in chastity, poverty, and obedience,
to the freeing presence of your risen Son.
Prayer for a generous heart

Father in Heaven, you have blessed us with many gifts.
You chose us before the world began,
To be your adopted sons and daughters,
And to live through love in your presence.
Give us wisdom and insight to know your purpose;
Give us courage to follow where your Spirit leads us,
Give us generosity to serve you in our brothers and sisters.
We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.
Based on Ephesians 1:3 ff.