“Let us live in such a way that people will have ample reason to speak well of us.” – Don Bosco
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Project supported


Patagonia, Argentina

With the generous donations of our Canadian benefactors the Don Bosco Mission Office has provided $10,000.00 CAD in 2009 to support the production of Catechesis and human promotion materials for the missionary zones in the rural communities of Patagonia, Argentina. With the fund they edited the first rural catechism program books called “La Huerta de Jesus” in English, “Jesus’ Garden.” The resource materials are customized to the local culture and customs of the aboriginal people in the rural communities. In all they purchased 800 gospels, 200 bibles, 500 catechist manuals and 2000 catechism workbooks for the children. This ongoing project is of vital importance and helps to fulfill several objectives such as sustaining the missionary efforts, reaching out to more rural zones of the vast Patagonian geography and providing updated and valuable Catechetical materials.